Balancing Yin & Yang
Acupuncture is a gentle and effective healing practice that involves placing very thin needles at specific points in the body. The needles facilitate communication between mind and body leading to greater homeostasis and healing.
Acupuncture treatments are tailored to an individual’s needs thru a detailed medical history and physical assessment. Treatments can be administered to patients with loose fitting clothing.
Treatments typically begin with the patient laying on their back and then turn over to complete the full body treatment.
Acupressure, moxibustion, massage and cupping are often combined with Acupuncture to maximize effectiveness of treatments.
The Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine
In Chinese Medicine Jing, Qi and Shen are three energy states integral to a person’s health and are referred to as the “Three Treasures”. Jing or Essence is the most condensed and archetypical form for the physical body. Jing is derived from two sources: an individuals’ mother and father (pre-birth Qi) and from food and air. (post-birth Qi). Qi is the fundamental energy of the universe. In human beings, Qi is known as bio-electricty and accessed via the acupuncture points found on the meridians (energy channels) of the body. Finally, the most rarefied form of Qi is called Shen or Heart-Mind. When Jing, Qi and Shen are balanced and strong, a human being will maintain vitality and attain their full potential. Acupuncture, Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong are a few modalities that balance and strengthen the Three Treasures.